
Showing posts from January, 2022

Surface Pro 8: el PC ms productivo y verstil Review en espaol

He dicho vctor haz, la review y cuenta tambin cul ha sido tu experiencia, utilizndolo, despus de todo, este tiempo as que all vamos Msica la gama de surface pero necesitaba un lavado de cara urgente un lavado que no vimos y en 2019 ni en 2020 cuando apple Tena ya su ipad pro con un diseo mucho ms minimalista mucho, ms futurista y ms puesto casi, a la orden del da en 2019 es verdad que microsoft. Lanz el surface pro x, con un diseo mejorado con un diseo que por cierto vemos ahora en este sin embargo; no fue un dispositivo que termin de convencer al pblico general de surface principalmente por. Lo que llevaba dentro que era, un procesador hecho en colaboracin con qualcomm y, no tena un procesador intel que era; el procesador, ms habitual que suele preferir el pblico de este surface pro y lo que ha hecho microsoft, con ste ha sido, un poco la esencia de Estos dos es decir del diseo del surface pro x que haca que dijeras vale este es el surface que quiero ese es un surface muy bonito y la...

WaitDoja Cat Has a Skincare Line? BH Cosmetics X Doja Cat Review

So i just i cant think about anything so im just gon na play around with some skincare now. One thing i didnt expect to happen was for dozier cat to have a skincare line, and she doesnt really is more of a collaborative effort with bh cosmetics ive. Never heard of bh cosmetics because theyre more theyre more makeup. I guess they have some skincare, but i wouldnt say theyre known for their skin care, or maybe i just dont know them for their skincare and im, not really sure how much input she had creativity wise. I mean i feel, like im, not familiar enough with her to be like oh yeah. This is her style or whatever, but i do like her music. I was a fan of her um ages ago when she released like so high and then after that, i feel like she just kind of disappeared, but the majority of this collaboration is makeup, so skin care wise, we have very little um theres a hand mirror. I guess theres lip balm, which we have today waterfall body oil i didnt buy because i dont like the feeling of oil...